- Closet
- Any wet room
- Garage
- Storage area
- Unused spare room
- Under the stairs
- Lofts
- And any other unused room filled with clutter.
The reason for this is that the positive energy will not have the opportunity to activate in a 'stagnant Chi' environment
as there is no room for the Qi to breathe, this can actually have a negative effect (Sha chi) so please, Monica follow
this advice very carefully.
When you are using this Feng Shui formula you must remember these things:
- Ensure water is constantly kept fresh.
- Keep an eye on the flowers to make sure they do not begin to wilt and die.
- Follow the instructions for the number and colour of flowers as this must be precise.
- Keep vase and flowers out of empty or cluttered rooms as this will have a negative effect.
- DO NOT use artificial flowers as this will have no effect.
The things that I have described here are quite simple and easy, and I know that you are asking yourself .How is it
going to work?. The feng shui techniques pay very close attention to your environment and this is of the biggest
importance to create balance in your everyday life and to understand the importance of maintaining it to make these
advices work.