You won the auction on 25-01-2016 for lot number 4125458 and you have also paid for the lot. Unfortunately you have not yet collected your purchase. You are, therefore, being charged a storage fee, in accordance with our conditions of purchase. Each week, or part thereof, a further DKK/SEK/NOK 200, EUR 25 storage fee will be charged.
We request that you pay the amount owed and collect your purchase by 06-02-2016 at the latest. If the lot has not been collected and payment has not been registered by, at the latest, 24-02-2016, we reserve the right, without further notice, to re-sell your purchase in your name and at your expense to cover the storage fees, as stated in our conditions of purchase. You are responsible for any losses incurred in this connection.
You are welcome to contact us for further information.