The idea behind Auctionet
It was at that point of time we realised that this was something other auction houses had to do in order to be competitive in the future. We are convinced that all sales of items up to a certain value will be sold on the internet ie. not through traditional hammer auctions.
Several auction houses tried to replicate the model of "Bukowskis Market" but soon experienced certain issues.
Some of the problem we identifed were:
To develop a well functioning web-based auction system demands significant investments, which only a few auction houses are capable or willing of - especially if one also takes into account necessary maintainance and angoing development.
A key to success on the web is to attract and convert relevant visitors. This requires significant expert knowledge as well as a large and "living" assortment on the site: Customers only return to sites where they know to find a large offer with a constant flow of new items.
Technical support is also a hurdle for the individual auction house. New questions always arise when an auction houses goes online. Some are purely technical questions and can be time consuming and hard to handle for regular staff.
A well functioning shipping solution for both large and small items is vital for the customer regardless wether the items are large or small.
Daily transactions require safe credit card payment and daily settlements.
These were some of the questions which we wanted to address and this is how the idea behind Auctionet was born.