It is hard to pin down a description of Harlan Coben's writing. In som översättning - It is hard to pin down a description of Harlan Coben's writing. In som litauiska hur man säger

It is hard to pin down a descriptio

It is hard to pin down a description of Harlan Coben's writing. In some ways he is Runyonesque, while at other times he has a dash of Michael Connelly mixed with Stephen King. But in all of his writing he brings a unique voice to stories that entertain and enthrall the reader. This is certainly true of his latest novel Stay Close.

Stay Close takes place in the completely distinctive metropolis of Atlantic City, New Jersey. It is here that a series of murders have taken place in a section of that area called the Pine Barrens. Seventeen years ago a man named Stewart Green was last seen in this vicinity, and the last persons to see him were two lovers -- a photographer named Ray and an adult dancer named Cassie. It was also the last time Ray and Cassie saw each other.

Ray had a breakdown of sorts and turned to drink for solace. Cassie fled Atlantic City and created a new life for herself. She took the name of Megan and became a suburban housewife with a husband and two kids. But now Megan has been summoned back to Atlantic City, a move that could cause the end of her charade. It could also put her in more danger than she has ever known. There is a killer looking to continue the killing spree and anyone bringing attention to the Pine Barrens will have to be eliminated.

Coben takes this basic framework of a story and embellishes it with a study of tight police work, several love stories, and a huge dollop of sadistic activities. He peoples the story with characters who get under your skin and into your heart. These are not your typical heroes and heroines but they play these roles just the same.

When you read a Coben novel you are absorbed by it. His writing draws you into the world he has created and you get to know the characters totally. He does not give you all the details of his story but rather implies certain things and then leaves them to your imagination. This is only on some minor issues, not the major ones.

There is a rhythm to his writing and it only takes a few pages to adapt to it. You know he is going to use the "what happened then" ending to some of his chapters. You know there is going to be a variety of characters created and that they are all going to be connected by the end of the story, and you know he is going to give you a variety of aspects of the plot -- some elements are going to be comical, some dramatic and some romantic.

When it comes to romance Coben writes tenderly at times and brutally at others. In Stay Close he imbues most of his characters with an unfailing optimism. There is always hope of that happily ever after that involves a family living in a house with a picket fence. Some achieve this dream while others lose their way.

There is a lot of enjoyment in reading Stay Close. The story is intense, the characters are interesting, and the writing is magnificent. Coben's talent is in high gear as he takes his readers to the magical world of Atlantic City, a place where dreams either come true or die.
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Resultat (litauiska) 1: [Kopia]
It is hard to pin down a description of Harlan Coben's writing. In some ways he is Runyonesque, while at other times he has a dash of Michael Connelly mixed with Stephen King. But in all of his writing he brings a unique voice to stories that entertain and enthrall the reader. This is certainly true of his latest novel Stay Close.Stay Close takes place in the completely distinctive metropolis of Atlantic City, New Jersey. It is here that a series of murders have taken place in a section of that area called the Pine Barrens. Seventeen years ago a man named Stewart Green was last seen in this vicinity, and the last persons to see him were two lovers -- a photographer named Ray and an adult dancer named Cassie. It was also the last time Ray and Cassie saw each other.Ray had a breakdown of sorts and turned to drink for solace. Cassie fled Atlantic City and created a new life for herself. She took the name of Megan and became a suburban housewife with a husband and two kids. But now Megan has been summoned back to Atlantic City, a move that could cause the end of her charade. It could also put her in more danger than she has ever known. There is a killer looking to continue the killing spree and anyone bringing attention to the Pine Barrens will have to be eliminated.Coben takes this basic framework of a story and embellishes it with a study of tight police work, several love stories, and a huge dollop of sadistic activities. He peoples the story with characters who get under your skin and into your heart. These are not your typical heroes and heroines but they play these roles just the same.When you read a Coben novel you are absorbed by it. His writing draws you into the world he has created and you get to know the characters totally. He does not give you all the details of his story but rather implies certain things and then leaves them to your imagination. This is only on some minor issues, not the major ones.There is a rhythm to his writing and it only takes a few pages to adapt to it. You know he is going to use the "what happened then" ending to some of his chapters. You know there is going to be a variety of characters created and that they are all going to be connected by the end of the story, and you know he is going to give you a variety of aspects of the plot -- some elements are going to be comical, some dramatic and some romantic.When it comes to romance Coben writes tenderly at times and brutally at others. In Stay Close he imbues most of his characters with an unfailing optimism. There is always hope of that happily ever after that involves a family living in a house with a picket fence. Some achieve this dream while others lose their way.
There is a lot of enjoyment in reading Stay Close. The story is intense, the characters are interesting, and the writing is magnificent. Coben's talent is in high gear as he takes his readers to the magical world of Atlantic City, a place where dreams either come true or die.
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Resultat (litauiska) 2:[Kopia]
Sunku Sugauti iš H. Coben kūryboje aprašymą. Tam tikrais būdais jis yra Runyonesque, o kitu metu jis turi Michael Connelly brūkšnys sumaišyti su Stephen King. Tačiau visi jo raštu jis atneša unikalų balsą į istorijas, pramogoms ir sužavėti skaitytoją. Tai tikrai tiesa, jo naujausiame romane "artima. Viešnagės Uždaryti vyksta visiškai skiriamųjų metropolis Atlantik Sitis, Naujasis Džersis. Būtent čia, kad žmogžudysčių serijos įvyko per tą rajoną, vadinamą Pušų Barrens skyriuje. Prieš septyniolika metų vyras, vardu Stewart Green buvo paskutinį kartą šiame kaimynystėje, o paskutiniai asmenys jį pamatyti buvo du mėgėjai - fotografas pavadintas Ray ir suaugusiųjų šokėjas pavadintas Cassie. Taip pat buvo paskutinį kartą Ray ir Cassie pamatė vienas kitą. Ray turėjo rūšių suskirstymas ir kreipėsi į gerti paguodos. Cassie pabėgo Atlantic City ir sukūrė naują gyvenimą sau. Ji paėmė Megan pavadinimą ir tapo priemiesčio namų šeimininkė su vyru ir dviem vaikais. Bet dabar Megan buvo pakviestas grįžti į Atlantic City, judėti, kad galėtų sukelti jos šarada pabaigą. Ji taip pat gali įdėti ją į daugiau pavojų, nei ji kada nors žinoma. Yra žudikas ieško tęsti žudymo šėlsmas ir kas pareikšti dėmesį į Pine Barrens turės būti panaikintos. Coben atsižvelgia į šią pagrindinę sistemą istorija ir pagilina jį su stora policijos darbo tyrimą, keletą meilės istorijas, ir didžiulis Masė ir sadistinius veiklą. He tautos istorija su simbolių, kurie gauna po oda ir į savo širdį. Tai nėra jūsų tipiškų herojai ir herojės bet jie atlikti šias funkcijas tik pats. Kai jūs skaitote Coben romaną jūs sugeria jį. Jo rašymo atkreipia jus į pasaulį jis sukūrė ir gausite žinoti simbolius visiškai. Jis nesuteikia jums visas savo istoriją detales, o reiškia tam tikrus dalykus ir tada palieka juos į savo vaizduotę. Tai tik dėl kai kurių nedidelių problemų, o ne pačių svarbiausių. Yra ritmas jo raštu ir tai trunka tik keletą puslapių prisitaikyti prie jos. Jūs žinote, jis ketina naudoti "tai, kas atsitiko, tada" baigiasi kai jo skyriuose. Jūs žinote, ten bus simbolių sukurtų įvairovė ir kad jie visi bus sujungti pasakojimo pabaigoje, ir jūs žinote, jis ketina duoti jums aspektų sklypo įvairovė - kai kurie elementai ketinate būti komiškas, kai dramatiškas ir kai romantiškas. Kai jis ateina į susitikimams Coben rašo švelniai kartais ir žiauriai ne kitiems. Be artima jis pripildo dauguma jo personažai su nepakeičiamą optimizmo. Visada yra viltis, kad ilgai ir laimingai, kad yra susijęs su šeimos gyvenimo name su statinių tvora. Kai pasiekti šią svajonę, o kiti praranda savo kelią. Yra malonumą daug skaityti artima. Istorija yra intensyvus, simboliai yra įdomus ir rašymas yra puikus. Coben įkyriu yra didelio greičio, nes jis trunka savo skaitytojus į magišką pasaulį Atlantic City, vieta, kur svajonės arba ateis tiesa ar mirti.

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